Ringo Starr Backtracks on Joyless Take of the Beatles ‘Let It Be’ Documentary

Famed Lord Of The Rings director Peter Jackson just recently released his restoration of the 1970 documentary film Let It Be. Former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr had previously said that he wasn’t exactly thrilled about Let It Be getting restored and re-released, as, in his words, “there was not a lot of joy in it.”

Before the film was released earlier in May, Starr saw the film and wasn’t exactly pleased. In an interview with the Associated Press, Starr said that he thought “Peter Jackson has done an incredible job. For me, not a lot of joy in it. It’s from the point of view of the director, and that was up to him.”

Now, it looks like he’s changed his mind. In a statement given to The Standard, Ringo Starr had kind things to say about the restored Let It Be documentary.

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